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Talk on "Soft Robotics Design and Control" by Alin Albu-Schäffer Part2
Talk on "Soft Robotics Design and Control" by Alin Albu-Schäffer Part1
Soft Robotics Manipulation: from torque-controlled to variable compliance robots Alin Albu-Schäffer
Rolf Pfeifer-Talk at UBA. Soft Robotics. Part2
IROS 2014 - Alin Albu Schaeffer - Robots for Interaction with Humans and Unknown Environments
Plenary Lecture 4 by Alin Albu-Schaeffer
ICRoM 2021, Workshop 3 | New Approaches in Design, Modeling and Control of Soft Robots
Talk on "Controlling and Measuring Impedance in Variable Stiffness Robots" by Antonio Bicchi Part2
Talk on "Interaction Control for Contact Robotics" by Neville Hogan Part1
Prof. Alin Albu-Schäffer im Gespräch mit Michael Märzheuser
Talk on "Controlling and Measuring Impedance in Variable Stiffness Robots" by Antonio Bicchi Part1